

哈哈!我已经两个星期多没写blog了!可见我是多么的懒惰,才写了三篇就不写了!唉,我也不想的,我已经被 “ 懒惰的恶魔 ” 给控制了。自从毕业后,每日在家游手好闲,过着颓废的生活,一点意义都没。现在回想起真的好堕落。在这无聊的假期里,我看了无数的戏剧,每日的生活节奏都是大同小异的。我还记得在Matrik的时候,我是多么的想回家,想快点脱离苦海。但现在不知怎的我好想念Matrik的日子,过得多么充实。 唉!唉!唉!我不能再这样下去了!



This morning i was still asleep. Suddenly a familiar voice came from the outside," Su huang, wake up!!!what's d time now?still sleeping?"I opened my eyes....staring at d ceiling...rubbing my eyes..."oh no!!!XXX.what happen nw?I was so tired...wanna sleep for a while more."
She whispered some bad and startling news to me.I was stupefied with d news.At this moment,my mind was blank.It's jz like dropped to a deep hole.I'm really don't know what should I do now.I hope all the matter will go better.I'm sad now.A mood of melancholy descended on me.I don't want d bad news comes true.God bless me.Don't ever try to grab away the most precious thing in my life.pls...I pray...

My Love

I want to hold your hand and walk a mile
My life is so beautiful,because is DEAR...YOU...!!!

Hug me for my worries to die
My Tears to dry and my loneliness to fly
I am getting sentimendal to you!for god sake explain me why all these.

I miss YOU every moment of a day,
I keep me awake just to listen YOU,
I keep me empty just for YOU to fill,
I keep me alive just to see YOU.

My morning miss YOU,
My evening seek YOU,
My mind all appear is YOU...

I promise~~~I will never leave YOU...
I will always accompany YOU...
My love to YOU will never fade with flowing times...

My feeling

Outside is raining,
My heart is jumping,
The earth is spinning,
Everything in this world is moving…
But my love to you never change with the flowing times…

I am missing you now,
Seeing the raindrops outside,
I feel alone,
Nobody stay beside me,
Nobody can hear my feeling,
I wanna yell aloud,
But nobody can hear it…

I miss someone who stay far away from me,
I am crossing my fingers he will appear in front of me,
Standing in front the mirror,
Imagine he is standing beside me,
Hugging me tightly with all his energy,
Never try to put down his hands,
Never try to push him away,
Never try to give up him,
Never, never and never try to leave him…
I miss you …

And i want you to know that you are never more than a moment away from my thoughts and my heart...